Join the Monterey Bay Area Chapter


The Monterey Bay chapter of the USNA Alunmi Association does not currently collect dues from its members and therefore, anyone living in the Monterey Area is automatically a member!  However, in order to be part of our official roster you must UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS on the main USNA Alumni Association Homepage.  Simply log in at the top right, then under “Stay Connected” on the top left, select “My Account”, then “Update Your Profile”.  Once your ZIP CODE is updated to be in the extended Monterey area, you will receive all of our email distributions, and be on our official Monterey Bay roster!  If you are having any issues with your login information, please contact Joe Fagan at for assistance.

You may also check out this website and our Monterey Bay Facebook Page for information on fun events and announcements!

Please email our chapter president if you have any other questions about joining!